Well said, Nicole! Another way of looking at racism is examining it through the lens of three different subcategories:
SYSTEMIC RACISM -- governmentally-supported or systemwide racist practices almost exclusively directed at BIPOC (stemming from white supremist culture).
SOCIAL RACISM -- individuals who mistreat one another, through rhetoric or actions, based on racial differences; People of Color and White people can likewise be the perpetrators and recipients of it.
CULTURAL RACISM -- groupthink (usually motivated by social racism), where people embrace their group identity with a mob mentality to inflict racist rhetoric/actions upon members of specific racial groups; again, People of Color and White people can likewise be the perpetrators and recipients of it.
Obviously, BIPOC endure the added layer of Systemic Racism that White people generally don't endure.
Also, before the DiAngelo cultists out there proceed to pounce on me: "prejudice" implies a passive belief or attitude. Once that ideology becomes ACTIONABLE or BEHAVIORAL and is inflicted upon another person, the action becomes an act of racism (whether it's racist bigotry or racist discrimination depends on the case-by-case context).
So, if a White person gets openly harassed by someone is who Black, Indigenous, or a Person of Color, it *is* racism because it's behavioral and tangible. The difference is that it isn't SYSTEMICALLY-racist...rather, it's SOCIALLY-racist (or CULTURALLY-racist, if multiple people are involved).