When it comes to voting regulations: I don't believe it's inherently discriminatory to require voters to present identification in order to receive their ballots. The problems come when:
A.) That Voter ID isn't automatically provided by state/federal governments
B.) There is no recourse for extenuating circumstance, such as when a voter has just relocated residences, if they've misplaced their I.D., or if one little typo on their I.D. doesn't 100% their name as it appears on the voter rolls (including middle initials, or lack thereof)
C.) Voter laws that allow a state or local government to theoretically throw out / override the results of elections
D.) Voter roll purges or registration restrictions that are intentionally and narrowly targeted at specific populations in certain parts of a state, due to clearly partisan motives
There's also the problem of electronic voting machines without verifiable paper trails...but that's an ancillary problem not directly related to the Voter I.D. itself.