Yes I do. People expect me (and millions of other men) to act or behave or conduct myself a certain way (and demand that from us) BECAUSE I'm male. Whether I'm gay or straight or bisexual or pansexual may or may not be germane to their perspective, depending on the individual who makes the argument.
Obviously, you have compassion for the LGBT+ community. Some people who call themselves "feminists" really don't (even if they claim they do). Should you be held accountable for their beliefs, just because you are the same sex as some of them?
There will be other more nuanced discrimination I face due specifically to my homosexuality, and there can definitely an overlap. And, yes, patriarchy is at the root of that. But many people care more about biological sex over sexual orientation...or vice versa. It isn't the same for everyone.
Now, if you're reminding society that there are specific prejudices, micoraggressions, and experiences that women uniquely endure BECAUSE they're female -- yes, I believe you there. And we should all challenge those.
But one doesn't justify the other by default.